It has been far too long since my first blogging attempt, but we've taken major steps and I'm really excited to share them with you all!Create a blog post subtitle that summarizes your post in a few short, punchy sentences and entices your audience to continue reading.
First I'd like to announce we have finally been recognized as an official charity under IRS Rule 501 c 3 (EIN 81-4412317)! It's official and I'll be posting a copy of the determination letter soon.
Next and just as important, we have recruited 30 volunteers to act as State Coordinators in more than 20 different states! Amazing right? Each of these State Coordinators will soon begin raising funds, recruiting more volunteers and selecting a project for us to fund in each of their states. There are too many people to thank for stepping up like they have and I am extremely fortunate to be associated with such great Americans.
We also had an annual meeting and Board of Directors meeting from 30 November through 2 December of 2018. It was great to meet some of the people who are going to make great things happen for our military families who have sacrificed so much. We discussed many things and the meeting minutes will be posted on the website soon.
Lastly, our bottom line. To date we have raised over $14,000.00! We haven't even gotten rolling yet! Those donations came from a relatively small group of us who are believers of and volunteers for this charity. Once we get out to a much larger audience I know we're going to crush it! I can't thank the people who donated enough, it is inspiring and such a confidence builder.
On behalf of all of us here at Fallen, Not Forgotten, thank you for your support!